Reason for Egg Shortage Identified
It is rumored, that New York, California, Illinois, Washington, Michigan, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Pennsylvania all received Billions from China to conduct a Social Experiment.
The experiment assumed that any chicken that crowed in the morning was screaming that they were trying to identify as the opposite sex. Amazing, they were all males, and as such all given hen hormones. At the end of study it turned out this subset was neither able to lay eggs, nor able fertilize eggs since 2 weeks after the Study began.
After giving all of the roosters hen hormones, the experts realized that they would have 100% hens and zero roosters, so they immediately gave the hens rooster hormones and DNA modifying shots provided by China. 40% of those hens quickly died of blood clots. The remaining 60% would no longer lay eggs – as it was expected. Worse yet, they never became able to fertilize eggs. Hell, they didn’t even appeared to be interested.
The 2-year study ended in December 2022, when those states no longer had chickens. There hadn’t been any eggs laid in 22 months. The Chinese say they were shocked. Shocked that Liberals were so stupid as to fall for doing the Study.