This Domain Name is For Sale, with or without Hosting.

Red Dog Seven, LLC is selling this domain. Optional services can include:
- Web hosting on a lightly used site, without resource limitations.
- Installation and Configuration of:
- WordPress
- Vbulletin
- Mediawiki
- Zencart
- OC-Classifieds
- Most any other Web Application
About this Domain Name
I bought this domain name over 20 years ago, created a forum, and for many years it had a strong following. During that time I turned down many offers to pay great money to buy that domain from me.
A few years ago, I got too busy with drag racing on a full-time circuit and neglected it at the same time Facebook became popular – and stopped administering to the site, then closed it. Now with a major Exodus from Facebook (for privacy, Liberal politics and biased Community Double-Standards) starting – this would be a good time for someone with vision to recreate.
In addition to Vbulletin, there are a couple of new Social Network applications (WoWonder is an example of one) that are clones of Facebook. If I had more time, I’d most likely monetize a Social Network with advertising sales – and target those fedup with the heavy handed Moderation and privacy issues with Fascistbook.
I’m asking $15,000 for it and a year’s hosting with the Deluxe Plan on a very fast server at Big Kahuna Hosting, a current Vbulletin Connect License, and me installing the application on the server.
See the Make Offer link in the right Sidebar if you would like to make a reasonable offer, and want a little help getting it rolling.
- Blog (Word Press, DotClear, Serendipity…)
- Discussion Forum (Vbulletin, phpBb, XMB, Simple Machines…)
- News Site (Joomla, Word Press With Addon for News Site)
- Fact Encyclopedia (MediaWiki Dokuwiki, PMWiki …)
- Social Media (WoWonder, Noodle, Net Village…)
- eCommerce (ZenCart, Open Cart, Shopware…
- Ancestry (Web Trees, Gramps…)
- Business Management (OrangeHRM, FAQs, Support Tickets, Survey..)
- Photo Albums (Piwigo, Coppermine, Zenphoto)
- Classified Ads (OSclass, Dozens of others…)
- Promote a Cause (WordPress and dozens of other options)
- Forward to another site to increase traffic (a better domain name forwarding to a website – with or without masking)
Red Dog Seven operates a cutting edge Server and has the expertise to turn key the above applications just about any other use for a web site you can dream of.
Monetizing Your Web Site
- Banner Advertising
- Gift Shop
- Paid Subscription
- Donations – Fundraising
- eMail Marketing
- Paid Classified Ads
- Selling Domain Registration and Web Hosting
- Selling email processing and/or forwarding of you unique domain
There are many ways to take a premium domain name and monetize it. We have the expertise to do as much of that for you as you wish.